How to get your proposals done in time?
December 13, 2022

How to get your proposals done in time?

You and your sales team are under a lot of pressure to deliver more winning proposals. Everyone is working hard to keep up with the demand and still maintain a high level of quality. The result of this pressure could mean that your proposal process becomes too long and less efficient, leading to missed deadlines or worse - no sales! Are you going to let this happen? 

Your proposals are running late - here's how to fix this for good!

Don’t worry, you’re not alone. It's a common problem. You're working on a proposal, and it's due tomorrow morning. Suddenly, you realize that you need extra information on your service or product, need to add some customer cases or even change the formatting of some graphs. Not only do you have to redo all of your work for the proposal, you first need to go looking for it and you don’t even know if what you need exists. This little adventure is going to cost you extra time. Which you don’t have.

One of the main reasons this happens is because there is not always a real plan when starting a new proposal. You think "Oh, I'll just throw some things together and it will be fine." This can lead to huge delays, rewrites and sometimes even outright cancellations if important deadlines are missed. You see the pattern no? Less quality in proposals or even worse, concealed proposals, don’t bring in any money. It’s all downhill from there. 

It’s not difficult, you just need a process and the right tools.

Create a process map of your entire proposal process

Creating a process map of your proposal process is the first step in creating a plan that will get your proposals done in time. A process map is a visual representation of all the individual steps involved in producing your proposals. It helps you identify where potential bottlenecks are likely to occur so you can make adjustments and optimize the workflow. Important is that this process is used and supported by everyone in your organization. 

Ask yourself what needs to be done, who will do it, and how long it’ll take each person. Then identify which activities must happen at certain times throughout the overall process. You should also consider how long each stage takes as well as whether any other resources are needed, like software or external help.

Once all this information has been collected, use a diagram to visualize how everything fits together into one unified whole, then use those insights when planning out additional tasks related specifically to unseen delays such as missed deadlines due unforeseen circumstances.

Use as much automation as possible to shorten the delivery time while improving the quality

Automate the proposal process with the right tools and resources. It will speed up the process and is your best bet for reducing the time it takes to deliver a high-quality proposal.

Automation helps you keep up with sales deadlines, as well as deliver high-quality proposals that are personalized and relevant. It can also reduce costs, for example, by reducing the time you need to search for the right information or suggesting alternative building blocks you could use. 

Adding an AI assistant like uman will help you gather better content and make more informed decisions about what kinds of info to add to your proposal. Give your smart little helper access to your templates, previous presentations, customer cases, pricing and existing proposals. It will come back with what you need and propose how to use it.

If you want to boost your proposal win-rate and reduce your cost of sales, then get yourself a process and an AI assistant!

Creating your own process map is an essential component of the perfect proposal delivery process, because it helps you to manage your proposal deliverables end-to-end.

Even as important as the process, is the tools you set to work to automate the process and make your life easier. With the aid of uman’s AI in the back, you can then automate parts of the process, optimizing the time taken for each step in the proposal delivery process.


If you’re looking for a way to boost your proposal win-rate and reduce your cost of sales, you need to get started with uman today! We have the unique tools that will help you find exactly what you need, manage your existing content and ultimately create better proposals.

Get in contact with us now

Bart Roofthooft
Head of Marketing
December 13, 2022